Thursday, March 22, 2012

Epoch Giveaway

So a new favorite place/ Facebook fan page I check EVERY DAY is Epoch design.  Not only do they have super cute furniture that you can often find at Costco, they also have awesome give aways!  I have already won a bunk bed for the boys and have now entered their $1000 give away.  Check out the link below and sign up, you never know, they may give something away in your town!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hopping on My Soapbox

Ok so I know it's been a while since I blogged last.  I was in the hospital with my youngest, and apparently blogs are evil because the hospital wifi was blocked, so alas I had to refrain.  but I figured I would jump right back in with a bit of controversy.

Today I read an article about the new J. Crew ad that has come out, with a page that shows the J. Crew president Jenna Lyons with her son, and his toes are painted (gasp!) pink!  Apparently the news media has caught wind of a new made up controversy and taken the opportunity to run with it.  They have now associated this picture with J. Crew propagandizing (holy cow that IS a word!) "trans gender politics", and even gone as far as pointing out that J. Crew is the favorite line of Michele Obama, so she must be in on their dirty little scheme!

So on my box I go......

Since when did painting a child's toes pink or any other color for that matter cause them such psychological damage that you need to start saving for therapy now? (that opinion compliments of Dr. Keith Ablow)  I think the point is missed that this mother is spending quality time with her child, NOT watching television or playing a violent video game, but probably actually TALKING to him and engaging his social little mind in a very positive manner.  

If this photo was of a dad playing cowboys and indians with his daughter, no one would have said a peep, and thought "how cool, that dad is spending some quality time with his daughter!"  Not " Oh my GOD!  That man is creating a gender confused female who now will go on to be totally confused about her feminineness!)

My 5 year old son enjoys playing with his cousin, who happens to be a girl.  And if she wants to play princesses, than he plays along.  Some times he's a prince and sometimes they fight over which princess dress each will wear and who gets the tiara or high heels.  Not for a second do I think that he is confused about his gender because he put a dress on and pretended to be a girl, I just grab my camera for blackmail photos when he turns 16 and brings home a girl.  

Creating an atmosphere of intolerance and shame to the natural curiosity and innocence of a child should be what is debated, not the fact that a little boy happened to be wearing pink polish in a picture.  Shame on the media or those professionals in the media for trying to make an issue out of what should not be!

Now if you excuse me I am going to go make some cookies with my boys, and we might even use the heart shaped cookie cutter!!  Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fingerpainting!.....with poop

So I am going to pretend that every child goes through this phase and I am not just a mother of one of THOSE kids.  My youngest has been in and out of a fascination with his poop.  He likes to say the word, tell me he has pooped, and now tries to stick his hand down his diaper and dig for gold....or brown....or green, or whatever color it may be that day.

Some times I catch him before he has a chance to create a work of art, but sometimes I get a screeching 4 year old letting me know that this poopy little monster has struck again.  I have learned that most stuffed animals go through the washer and dryer JUST fine multiple times, and that even a 4 year old will let you throw away his "favorite" toy once it has been christened in fecal matter that isn't his.

I have decided that those moms that put their kids in jump suits or overalls may have more insight than I had previously thought.  What I assumed was bad fashion sense, has now turned into a must have barrier to keep little hands out of poopy diapers.

He knows it's gross, and tells me so multiple times as I disinfect his hands, arms and what other body part it may have gotten on before he is caught.  "icky!  icky!  ewww!  icky!"

and here is where my fantasy of not having children kicks in.....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Miss me much?

So a little background.  2 years ago I was a career mom, kids were in day care, and I worked about 45-50 hours a week.  That didn't include my hour each way commute.  I enjoyed going to work everyday, and I never thought I would be a stay at home mom.

Fast forward 3 months and I found my self in a new town, a new house, same old husband with a new job, and me staying at home with the kids.  Fast forward 3 hours and I wanted to pull my hair out and scream.  The first few months weren't so bad because I was so busy I didn't notice that I was a stay at home mom, but it sank in quickly that I could go an entire day without seeing another adult, no one cared if I got out of my pajamas before the boys took a nap.  I had to do something!

So I started a non profit.  In the process of starting this said non profit, I reclaimed a little of my "working mom" status and it felt really good!  Not only was I doing something that could better my community, but I was slowly regaining a little sanity back...note the word "slowly".  So for the past 9 months, once a month I have been participating in a workshop that lasts all day, and taking the boys to day care.

I was asked if I miss them when they are gone all day.  "Miss who?"  to be honest most of those days I never even think about the  boys, or my husband for that matter, when I am at this workshop.  And you know what?  I don't feel bad about it either!  This is a little all about  me moment (well all about a cause, but I started it so sort of all about me) that I don't have to share with the other 99% of my life.  I have decided that there can be no guilt for wanting to escape for a moment, or a day....or a week....okay I haven't worked up to a week yet but it sounds fantastic!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How big is a 4 year olds bladder?

So I often wonder how big a 4 year old's bladder is.  You'd think it only holds a teaspoon or so of liquid if you are trying to drive somewhere (could be cross country or around the block) or sit through more than 20 minutes of a movie.  However if you ever have to clean up said contents of bladder, say from the floor or bedding, you will realize that a 4 year old's bladder can hold much...much more.  I am guessing that it must grow and shrink based on which size would currently irritate the mother most.  I can hear it thinking now "sweet we just got in the car, shrink!  shrink!"  or "hmmm tonights a good night to wet the bed, mom's gotta be somewhere early, lets expand this sucker!"  It is a truly amazing body part that from birth will continue to amaze from the first squirt in the face, to figuring out exactly how a gallon of liquid managed to soak your kids sheets that night.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I had chosen to remain childless.  I picture late nights out with friends, sleeping in until at least 7 am!  A wardrobe that lacks pregnancy jeans and granny panties that have managed to hang around for 3 years after the birth of my last child, and time in the morning to actually do my hair without giving up breakfast or brushing my teeth.  Think about vacations and only packing for one!  Well two, the husband is still around...this isn't the I am still single day dream.  The fact that only MY bladder would make us stop to pee!  The music in the car would be Mumford and Sons (the version with the F word too!) not a Nickelodeon compilation, and I could talk on the phone all I wanted with no one tearing the phone away form my ear wanting to say "hi! Hi! HI!  ok bye.."

In fact studies are showing that people with no children are happier than folks with kids, and sometimes I think maybe those study aren't so off base!

But then I get a whiff of Watermelon Blast no tears shampoo as a little head snuggles into my shoulder.  Or I look on my wall or fridge door and find the blue, green, brown speckled heart with "I love you mommy" that I know the preschool teacher wrote, but I don't care because he signed his name.  I remember the feeling when I first got to hold that little floppy bag of goo and how I get a tiny bit of that feeling now when he let's me snuggle him.  I like the inflated feeling I get when they says please or thank you to a stranger without me whispering it in their ear first.  I like the feeling of knowing there is something bigger going on here than just me.

So if in this blog I am very frank about feelings or thoughts about my children or being a mother.  Please remember that first and fore most, I LOVE being a mom, and would not, in the real world, give up what I have now or where I am now for anything....well almost anything, but that's for another post.